
Thursday, November 11, 2010


Darnell walks into the school building as the late bell sounds, “RING,” “darn I’m late,” he mumbles. As he runs down the hall but suddenly he trips in the hallway throwing his papers all over the floor. Darnell hears laughter and sees a few kids pointing. “What are you laughing at,” he then turns to say. “The clumsy black boy running down the hall and making a mess,” the other kid, Bobby, exclaims while continuing to laugh boastfully. “Well laugh at this,” Darnell says as he jumps up and hits him with his heavy 700-paged chemistry book. “Both of you, go to the office now,” yells the Principal of Rivertown High school who was walking by as Darnell hit him with the book. When the parents arrive Bobby’s mother takes one look at Darnell and ignorantly questioned to Darnell’s mother “Do you see this boy, no wonder he hit my son. Why are you People so angry?”
First, I would like to explain that anger is an emotion just like happy or sad. Except this emotion is cannot be controlled so simply, biologically we have a hormones in us that effects are emotions in dramatic ways that hormone is testosterone. If you look this up in the dictionary (or more defined, Wikipedia) its definition states “Testosterone is a steroid hormone from the androgen group and is found in mammals, reptiles, birds, and other vertebrates. In mammals, testosterone is primarily secreted in the Testosterones of males and the ovaries of females, although small amounts are also secreted by the adrenal glands. It is the principal male sex hormone and an anabolic steroid.” when you read this you generally don’t consider this steroid to be a natal recurring thing in the human body but it is. So much so that half-wit people actually consider someone who has high levels of Testosterone is naturally more aggressive then others. Black people do have more Testosterone than others but that does not make them aggressive. There are several factual reasons why there are more Testosterone in black people than in others. Testosterone in in some ways actually be beneficial.
Secondly Black people do have more Testosterone than others but that does not make them aggressive. “Contrary to what has been postulated in outdated studies and by certain sections of the media, aggressive behaviour is not typically seen in hypogonadal men who have their testosterone replaced adequately to the eugonadal/normal range. In fact, aggressive behaviour has been associated with hypogonadism and low testosterone levels and it would seem as though supraphysiological and low levels of testosterone and hypogonadism cause mood disorders and aggressive behaviour, with eugondal/normal testosterone levels being important for mental well-being. Testosterone depletion is a normal consequence of aging in men.” which clearly explains that black people assumed aggression has no relation to Testosterone levels.
Third, The reason why blacks have a naturally higher amount of Testosterone in their system than others is that the “Development of agriculture in modern Blacks also seems to have led to high testosterone levels. Groups with the highest testosterone in the world today are primitive agriculturalists.” “In primitive agricultural societies, women do not need men, since they can farm on their own. So they can afford to be choosy. These societies have tended to develop in a polygynous way, where a few high-ranking males monopolize most of the females, and the rest of the guys get none.” This explains that they have to show dominance and power over other to convince the female. Which is one reason there levels are higher. “Sub-Saharan Blacks are highly polygynous, and this resulted in intense competition for fewer women and selection for very robust male body types. SS Blacks are more robust than Whites on all variables. In Namibia, the polygynous Kavango have much higher testosterone than the much less polygene’s…” blacks didn’t just wake up some day and say “hm… I think I’m going to have high Testosterone for breakfast today.” No. test comes and goes within a life time. “Blacks have much higher Testosterone levels than Whites from age 7-24. After 24, the difference starts shrinking, and by the early 30's, it is gone. In later years, White men have higher Testosterone than Black men. This makes it very difficult if not impossible to explain differing behavioral variables, including higher rates of crime and aggression, in Black males over the age of 33 on the basis of elevated Testosterone levels.” this test was given in the womb. “Black mothers’ wombs have higher Testosterone, and this feeds to the fetus.”
Forth, Testosterone can be beneficial to blacks. “In the UK, young Black females have higher IQ’s than young Black males. However, Black females also have higher Testosterone than White females.” and “Black females earn 99% of what White females earn when they are employed…” Asian levels are intermediate to Blacks and Whites, but Asians have lower levels of a chemical needed to convert Testosterone to its active agent, so effectively they have lower levels. Androgen receptor sensitivity is highest in Black men, intermediate in Whites and lowest in Asians.” Although testosterone is good for black females it is not so good in the males point of view. Higher levels of test can lead to larger organs, (a larger heart can lead to heart attack) and prostate cancer. “US Blacks have the highest rate of prostate cancer on Earth, and the levels in African Blacks may be just as high.” so yeah having higher levels of Testosterone isn’t always the best thing in the world.
Lastly, this essay was created not to persuade but to verify the factual evidence and to enlighten those who are unaware of the fact that although Black people do have more Testosterone than others but that does not make them aggressive. And that there are several factual reasons why there are more Testosterone in black people than in others. I hope that I have cleared the air of confusion coming from ignorant others who only wish to blame such as bobby’s mother and anyone else who is unaware.

1 comment:

  1. Citations
    "Black Males and Testosterone: Evolution and Perspectives « Robert Lindsay." Robert Lindsay. N.p., 6 June 2009. Web. 3 Nov. 2010. .
    "Testosterone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., 1 Nov. 2010. Web. 3 Nov. 2010.
