Monday, November 29, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
My view of "My Bondage and My Freedom" by Frederick Douglass
ethos, pathos and logos
The definition of slavery in the video states “ slavery: force to work without pay under the threat of violence and unable to walk away. People are threatened to work without pay and if they don’t they are beaten and possibly made an example of. So that anyone else who wants to stand against this will be treated the same way.
Men and woman who don’t have money to take care of there children go to a person who ask you want a job? So they go with them if that means anyway they can take care of their family. And when they go with that trusted person that says they can provide money for working hands sells them into slavery. Far away form their families they wanted to protect.
People who are kidnapped in to slavery are people who don’t have jobs of their own. They need to take care of there children or mother or sister. So they do what they can they will risk their own health for someone else’s. It can even happen to children. They can be promised money for there parents or promised an education. So they go with that stranger who uses them for money.
They difference now is that people don’t cost as much anymore they cost way less. In the film he compare the consumption of people with the consumption of plastic cups. Dispensable. People aren’t worth as much which makes buying simpler.
If we save those slaves. Not just get them away from the bad people and give them something to eat. But free them give them responsibility, encourage them then they will become “unslaveable” and in doing that their community will grow and flourish. They can save others. They can be the bright light that saves others from slavery.
Americas "botched emancipation” was when slaves were freed from the slave owners in America. But they weren’t really free. They were not given an education, the right to vote, or anything that the people who could claim the word American could get. They just could work for pay. So they still had to fight for the rights that “Americans” had. Which has created a huge rift in America’s history and will most likely continue in America’s future.
Of cores any slavery is bad including this one. But seeing the scars on the kids back or the kids who had to walk up a mountain caring rocks was painful but the one thing out of the whole film that made my stomach turn flips was when I found out that all this could have been gone by now. This doesn’t even need to exist because American alone could change this. The fact that all we need to do is use the money we use on snacks in a year could change this whole thing around. We are in a recession. Money doesn’t come cheap and knowing that we can still free millions of people, hearing that made me feel so sick. Why hasn’t this been changed already? Freedom looks so wonderful but why is it talking so long to happen?
The video said the can end it with intellectual power.
for my project
I was reading a poem
I was reading a poem called “a black woman nothing else” it was so pretty, the author was Annie Ruth the poem started off really sad the author was expressing her sadness of being a dark skin woman. She was very ashamed that her skin was so dark. She was only a chilled but she was constantly made fun of because of the color that she was. So she assumed that her skin was bad. She goes on to explain that her father had left the family to marry a white woman. The author said that she would always answer to her father. That made Annie very unhappy. It made her think that a white woman had more or something better that what she had. But one day she met a woman who was darker than her self. The woman said that she was beautiful. That she was giving a gift from god. Annie herd her say that and soon everyone was saying it they were all calling her beautiful. Annie realized that she was right Annie was beautiful and lucky and she embraced her skin. I really liked this poem. Again the poems name is “ a black woman nothing else” and the author is Annie Ruth check it out for your self.
Ruth, Annie. "A Black Woman, Nothing Else - Poem." -•~*~•- Tribute To Black Women -•~*~•-. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2010.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
First, I would like to explain that anger is an emotion just like happy or sad. Except this emotion is cannot be controlled so simply, biologically we have a hormones in us that effects are emotions in dramatic ways that hormone is testosterone. If you look this up in the dictionary (or more defined, Wikipedia) its definition states “Testosterone is a steroid hormone from the androgen group and is found in mammals, reptiles, birds, and other vertebrates. In mammals, testosterone is primarily secreted in the Testosterones of males and the ovaries of females, although small amounts are also secreted by the adrenal glands. It is the principal male sex hormone and an anabolic steroid.” when you read this you generally don’t consider this steroid to be a natal recurring thing in the human body but it is. So much so that half-wit people actually consider someone who has high levels of Testosterone is naturally more aggressive then others. Black people do have more Testosterone than others but that does not make them aggressive. There are several factual reasons why there are more Testosterone in black people than in others. Testosterone in in some ways actually be beneficial.
Secondly Black people do have more Testosterone than others but that does not make them aggressive. “Contrary to what has been postulated in outdated studies and by certain sections of the media, aggressive behaviour is not typically seen in hypogonadal men who have their testosterone replaced adequately to the eugonadal/normal range. In fact, aggressive behaviour has been associated with hypogonadism and low testosterone levels and it would seem as though supraphysiological and low levels of testosterone and hypogonadism cause mood disorders and aggressive behaviour, with eugondal/normal testosterone levels being important for mental well-being. Testosterone depletion is a normal consequence of aging in men.” which clearly explains that black people assumed aggression has no relation to Testosterone levels.
Third, The reason why blacks have a naturally higher amount of Testosterone in their system than others is that the “Development of agriculture in modern Blacks also seems to have led to high testosterone levels. Groups with the highest testosterone in the world today are primitive agriculturalists.” “In primitive agricultural societies, women do not need men, since they can farm on their own. So they can afford to be choosy. These societies have tended to develop in a polygynous way, where a few high-ranking males monopolize most of the females, and the rest of the guys get none.” This explains that they have to show dominance and power over other to convince the female. Which is one reason there levels are higher. “Sub-Saharan Blacks are highly polygynous, and this resulted in intense competition for fewer women and selection for very robust male body types. SS Blacks are more robust than Whites on all variables. In Namibia, the polygynous Kavango have much higher testosterone than the much less polygene’s…” blacks didn’t just wake up some day and say “hm… I think I’m going to have high Testosterone for breakfast today.” No. test comes and goes within a life time. “Blacks have much higher Testosterone levels than Whites from age 7-24. After 24, the difference starts shrinking, and by the early 30's, it is gone. In later years, White men have higher Testosterone than Black men. This makes it very difficult if not impossible to explain differing behavioral variables, including higher rates of crime and aggression, in Black males over the age of 33 on the basis of elevated Testosterone levels.” this test was given in the womb. “Black mothers’ wombs have higher Testosterone, and this feeds to the fetus.”
Forth, Testosterone can be beneficial to blacks. “In the UK, young Black females have higher IQ’s than young Black males. However, Black females also have higher Testosterone than White females.” and “Black females earn 99% of what White females earn when they are employed…” Asian levels are intermediate to Blacks and Whites, but Asians have lower levels of a chemical needed to convert Testosterone to its active agent, so effectively they have lower levels. Androgen receptor sensitivity is highest in Black men, intermediate in Whites and lowest in Asians.” Although testosterone is good for black females it is not so good in the males point of view. Higher levels of test can lead to larger organs, (a larger heart can lead to heart attack) and prostate cancer. “US Blacks have the highest rate of prostate cancer on Earth, and the levels in African Blacks may be just as high.” so yeah having higher levels of Testosterone isn’t always the best thing in the world.
Lastly, this essay was created not to persuade but to verify the factual evidence and to enlighten those who are unaware of the fact that although Black people do have more Testosterone than others but that does not make them aggressive. And that there are several factual reasons why there are more Testosterone in black people than in others. I hope that I have cleared the air of confusion coming from ignorant others who only wish to blame such as bobby’s mother and anyone else who is unaware.
Monday, November 8, 2010

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book was really sad. It talks about a woman whose had bad relationships and suddenly meets this guy who seems to be very nice and considerate but fearing the worst she doesn’t get to close after all they are both teachers at a high school. He on the other hand was really nice he had a father who was down o earth but hi health wasn’t all there. His mother on the other hand he was crazy religious and cursed any one who didn’t worship god the way she did. But his father could usually hold her down. All went haywire when the man gets into a car accident. He should have died everyone else did, the angry taxi driver and the two drunken students of him riding on the other side of the road. The main character was in a comma for 5 years his whole world hanged around him. His mother was practically inane but didn’t want to take her pills hi father is depressed and his health wasn’t much better. Hi girl friend was married and had a little girl. If this wasn’t crazy enough he now possess a strange ability to read minds and see things. For example when he awoke from the comma he asked his doctor how long he was asleep the doctor ignored him and continued writing over him until the main contactor grabs him by the arm and instantly knows he has been gone for 5 years. This book isn’t for the light of heart it’s more like a surprise at every turn of the page. So I advise caution when reading!
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book was in your face crazy from beginning to end but at the same time it was casual. In the beginning the main character of the bibliography Richard Wright had set the house on fire and nearly killed his brother. They moved to the city where they face several hardships. Slowly Richard learns and grows. For example he learns what alcohol is from taking it from random strangers in the bars. This story deepens and transforms as this boy grows to a man without having his father. I this story is something that you can’t help but read as soon as you pick it up. I think anyone can read this book because you can really get in to it.
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My rating: 3 of 5 stars
this book Was a really good book considering I’m not really a fan of war books this ok will really capitates you .the author Tim O’Brian is very talented. I he was able to explain war the real way, the way it was he tells that when you go to war and you see the things you see none of it make any sense and that’s just how it is. The war stories about the hero and the victor were all lies and the stories that made no sense were the real ones. In a world of uncertainly..he doesn’t put light on it and explain it with statistics but he puts a definition to it he defines and puts words to things that are simply unexplainable. You get it but u doesn’t. it a really great book
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My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This was a big favorite of mine because it was graphically clear. You could get a full view of the many difficulties of that time. It was really interesting that you could relate to what was going on between the father and oldest son. By the end of the book regardless to the title I drastically wished for Sam to live. But that saying is true like how it was written on the cover I was written in stone. I really recommend this book to a dedicated reader. It’s a long book and our can fall into a riff of uninterested but if you hold on it turns out to be a book you that you will yearn for.
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Friday, October 1, 2010
His body was discovered by someone passing by later that Moring. The “passer-by reported seeing a man plummet 30 feet into the River Wharf,”
James W. Heselden, a British businessman who invented and sold fortification containers for flood control and military protection and who owned the company that makes Segway electric scooters, died Sunday after plunging from a cliff in West Yorkshire, the police said, apparently while touring his property on a Segway. He was 62. The police did not say what caused this accident. James W. Heselden “was born in Leeds”. He dropped out school when he was 15 immediately fallowing he worked as a coal miner until he lost his job due to the “miners’ strike” in 1984. With the money he did have an invention that carried him over that was Hesco Bastion, which manufactures the Hesco barriers, he invented that in 1990.
These barriers were “galvanized-steel mesh baskets rising to chest height that can be filled with dirt — were originally developed as flood control devices, and have been used in places like New Orleans and Iowa. Light, portable and easy to assemble, they have also replaced sandbags as a feature of virtually every defensive barrier deployed by coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, and are standard equipment for NATO.” That was just the beginning of his success recently before his passing he has “appeared on the Sunday Times of London’s list of 1,000 richest people in Britain” he also donated nearly 16 mill to the Leeds Community Foundation just this month if you do the math in his entire life has donated approximately $36 million dollars to organizations. Mr. Heselden was a kind man who will without question be missed. He will be leaving “his wife, Julie; five children, and eight grandchildren.”
LYALL, SARAH. "Owner of Segway Company Dies in a Segway Accident - Obituary (Obit) - NYTimes.com." The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. N.p., 27 Sept. 2010. Web. 1 Oct. 2010. Retrivedfrom
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
“Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Sunday, December 7, 1941” historyplace.com, historyplace, April 13th 2010
world war 2 atomic bomb, World War 2, 2010 World-War-2.info,” Website by Philadelphia Website Design.” marh 24th 2010
“Battle of Okinawa”, World War 2, 2010 World-War-2.info,” Website by Philadelphia Website Design.” April 13th 2010
This is how I started it...
The decision for the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan was a good one. The war was taking its toll on America and the Japanese wouldn’t give up even thought they were clearly defeated they still wouldn’t stop fighting a one sided battle. If America hadn’t dropped the atomic bomb “hundreds of thousands - perhaps millions - would have perished in the planned U.S. invasion of Japan.” After the bombing the war immediately ended and so did the great depression.
Because of the war going on between countries America wasn’t very interested in joining because they were going thought the great depression. But the governments and its citizen’s minds were changed when Pearl Harbor was attacked. “At 7:53 a.m., the first Japanese assault wave, with 51 'Val' dive bombers, 40 'Kate' torpedo bombers, 50 high level bombers and 43 'Zero' fighters, commences the attack with flight commander, Mitsuo Fuchida, sounding the battle cry: "Tora! Tora! Tora!" (Tiger! Tiger! Tiger!).The Americans are taken completely by surprise. The first attack wave targets airfields and battleships. The second wave targets other ships and shipyard facilities. The air raid lasts until 9:45 a.m. Eight battleships are damaged, with five sunk. Three light cruisers, three destroyers and three smaller vessels are lost along with 188
If we didn’t drop the atomic bomb thousands of American soldiers would have died. That would have been tens of thousands of children without a parents and wives without husbands. We had a plan, an original plan if the bomb didn’t work out. “The Americans were planning Operation Downfall, the invasion of the main islands, which never happened due to the controversial decision to use the atomic bomb.” they only took over one island which was Okinawa. In the end Americans won but, “According to published figures, a total of 12,513 American troops lost their lives in the battle for Okinawa. There were
“Starting almost immediately after the conclusion of World War II, and continuing to the present day, the dropping of atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki has been questioned. Their use has been called barbarian since, besides destroying a military base and a military industrial center, tens of thousands of civilians were killed.” “In reply, defenders of the decision to use the bombs say that it is almost certain that the Japanese would not have surrendered without their use, and that hundreds of thousands - perhaps millions - would have perished in the planned U.S. invasion of Japan. To support their argument, they point out that the Japanese agreed to surrender only after the second bomb was dropped, when it was evident that the first was not an isolated event, and future prospects were for a continuing rain of such bombs. Actually, the U.S. did not have another atomic bomb ready after the bombing of Nagasaki due the difficulty of producing fissile material. Regarding the suggestion of a demonstration, they
Now I understand why some people disagree with the atomic bomb. The reasons why they chose to use it and the amount of destruction it caused. I understand that it appeared that the Japanese were already defeated, and that there was no reason to use the bomb. And that it killed a lot of innocent civilians. Well for the most part, my grandfather who was involved in the war he would answer with “well they shouldn’t have started it!” he is right though they bombed Pearl Harbor and even though it was a military base there were many civilians as well. The rule of not harming civilians is a universal one; they broke the rule first so the Japanese army and government are at fault for the deaths of their citizens aren’t they? Like I explained already they had valid reasons for the use of the atomic bomb, it would end the war, also the plan they were going to use would kill thousands of soldiers and don’t forget the
This is how I finished it...
Japanese didn’t give up until the second bombing which means they had no intentions giving up the first. The reason we specifically decided to bomb in Nagasaki was that “The city of Nagasaki had been one of the largest sea ports in southern Japan and was of great war-time importance because of its many and varied industries, including the production of ordnance, ships, military equipment, and other war materials. The narrow long strip attacked was of particular importance because of its industries.” The reason we bombed Hiroshima was because “Hiroshima was a city of considerable military importance. It contained the 2nd Army Headquarters, which commanded the defense of all of southern Japan. The city was a communications center, a storage point, and an assembly area for troops.” even if there were civilians “well they shouldn’t have started it!”
Lastly and I think I proved my point, the decision for the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan was a good one. The war was taking its toll on America and the Japanese wouldn’t give up even thought they were clearly defeated they still wouldn’t stop fighting a one sided battle. If America hadn’t dropped the atomic bomb “hundreds of thousands - perhaps millions - would have perished in the planned U.S. invasion of Japan.” After the bombing the war immediately ended and so did the great depression.